fine art photo editions


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1983-1988: He is the official photographer for the contemporary art gallery Studio Morra in Naples.
1984: He graduates in Painting at the Fine Art Academy in Naples, with a thesis on E. Baj.
1984-1988: He contributes to the magazine Frigidaire, with reportages on the Eighty young generation and the Scampia area.
1986-1988: Reportages for the magazine La Voce della Campania on social issues.
1987- 1990: Reportages for the magazine Napoletano Itinerario on the young generations and on the reconstruction after the 1980 earthquake. In addition, he works with Americana Global Photo as photo news correspondent in Italy.
1988-1991: Photographic workshops with Via Nova for disadvantaged minors in Quartieri Spagnoli, with subsidy by Regione Campania, Comune di Napoli and European Community. He works with Associazione Quartieri Spagnoli at the European Community project Quartiers Crisi, and he represents Italy at the related convention. He works with Arci Nova for cultural promotion in Naples. He becomes a member of Associazione Italiana Reporters e Fotografi and Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti. He works with Neapolitan press agency Nouvelle Press. Anthropological reportage in Finland and Norway for Geodes. Contributes to Selezione Reader’s Digest.
1992-1998: Honourable mention in the European photojournalism context Yann Geffroy. He starts working with Grazia Neri - Milan, publishing his reportages on major Italian and international magazines. Italian correspondent for Austriache Profil, New, Svizzera Facts. He researches and realizes reportages on the urban complexity and transformations of Naples and its North suburbs He contributes to: Focus, Selezione, Il diario della settimana, Anna, La Repubblica, Happy Web, L’Arca, Slow Food. Director of photography for the short film “Senza Sapore” by Annamaria Gioja, presented at Linea d’Ombra in the Salerno Film Festival.
He realizes a reportage on the Corso Novara skyway environmental and urbanistic impact for Comune di Napoli - Assessorato alle Infrastrutture di Trasporto.
1999-2006: Reportages for Autorità Portuale di Napoli on the renovation of Naples Harbour area.
Art director for several advertisement agencies. He works for Teatro San Carlo in Naples. Reportages for TheTimes, The Guardian, Telegraph, Sunday Times, Svizzera Cooperazione.
Set photographer for the movie “Ora o mai più” for the Fandango Film Festival and with Channel 4 (BBC) for documentaries on Pompei and Capri
Since 2007: Set photographer for the RAI department in Naples.

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