Born in Naples, he graduates at Dams in Bologna. He publishes his reportages on national and international magazines such as “Il Sole 24 Ore” and “Panorama”. “La palla a due punte” is his first documentary. He has been selected and mentioned in many Festivals, as “O’Curt” by the Municipality of Naples.
In 2015 he wins the contests “Rolando Fava” and “Musicultura”. His latest research represents Campania and Italy Hip Hop scene with videoclips, portraits and reportages. From these works he publishes with Pino Miraglia the book “Core e Lengua: il rap in Campania e altre storie”. Recently, his project “Hipo” - shots taken in occasion of hip hop workshops in several immigration centres in Napoli or Avellino area - has been published in Switzerland and US.