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The thin line between being and becoming.

As in Mies van der Rohe architectures, the constructions of transparent lights and structuring shadows by Mauro Cangemi create an osmotic filter.

A thin membrane between soul and matter that creates interchange: more than between reality and our perception of it, between factual truth and the even more profound one of spirit and memory.

And, just as for the great German architect, you need both solidity and lucidity, if you want to manage and analyse such an open and limpid transference between individuality and its environment.

The solidity of a clear geometry that, in the loving empathy of an inner voyage, tries and recompose shades, mutations and mystery of everybody, and of the whole life. And the clearness of respect, that does not want to force, breaking at all costs the frail boundary   between known and unknown. Referring to things, people, places: they all bear acronychal atmospheres, and are open to host deflagrating projections.

Knowing how much, in that contiguous and moving limit, still dwells all our range of growth, hope, and redemption. And how much - almost moon phase - that darkness only is the other side of a huge light, and of its lively and unstoppable changing.

Diana Gianquitto

translated by Diana Gianquitto)

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